Thursday, March 26, 2009

Teaching Your Children To Be Kind To Others!

I hope you all are having family night once a week. If you aren't
yet, then now is the perfect time to start!

This is a family lesson we did recently that had a great impact on
our children. We had been struggling with our children being mean
to each other and calling each other names. So my husband planned
the following lesson to show how this behavior affects others.

He took a bowl of water and some pepper. He said that the pepper
represents your family members and friends. He sprinkled a whole
bunch of pepper into the water. Then he said, "Watch what happens
if you are mean to others (bullying, calling names, not sharing..)
He then rubbed dish soap on the tip of his finger and stuck his
finger into the bowl. All of the pepper went away from his finger
towards the edges of the bowl.

Of course our little children were in awe, "Wow! That's cool!
Do it again!" He explained that when they are not nice to others,
then other people will not want to be around them. He then committed
them to be more kind to one another.

Lessons like this are great reminders for our children and just the
fact that you are bringing your family together at least once a week
in order to teach them, will increase the love and harmony in your
home. I know it has for us!

Good Luck!

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