Parent Quiz -- Does your family have good habits?
When families have good habits at home, school life is much easier
for children. Answer the following questions "yes" or "no" to see if
you're encouraging important family habits:
____1. Do you have at least one meal together as a family each day?
____2. Do you plan plenty of time in your schedule for family fun?
____3. Do you encourage morning, bedtime and homework routines?
____4. Do you enforce important rules fairly and consistently?
____5. Do you show love for your child in many ways, such as by
listening carefully and saying, "I love you!"
How did you do? Each "yes" answer means you're working to make home
life routine and reliable. For each "no" answer, consider ways
suggested in the quiz to change your response to yes. You'll see a
difference at home and at school. Again, the "Parent Quiz" is taken from the "Helping Children Learn"
newsletter. For more information to go:
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