Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Mile Of Smiles!

This story was sent in by Sue Guebert (one of our readers) and I
thought it was so cute! It is featured in my new book:
"Celebrating Motherhood:"

A Mile of Smiles

When Jeremy was about two or so and was learning how to dress
himself, I'd go pick out some clothes for him and he'd put them on.
At two, Kevin wanted a choice, so I'd ask him if he wanted the
green outfit or the blue outfit and he'd choose one and put them
on. Then came Mark. When he was two and I asked him if he would
like the green outfit or the blue outfit his response was, "I WANT
THE RED ONE!!!" And sometimes he'd get dressed on his own and
sometimes not.

One day I was planning to run some errands and told Mark to get
dressed about an hour before I needed to leave. He putted around
and didn't get dressed until finally the time had arrived to leave.
I noticed that he had picked the top from one outfit and the bottom
from another. Not too unusual! Mark, being Mark, decided to put
the shirt on his legs and the pants on his head, one leg hanging
over each side like dog ears!

I thought to myself, "Well, he's dressed! He's got his shirt and
pants on!" And off we went! We went to the bank, to the office,
to the grocery store and to the school. We got the funniest looks
from people. I just smiled and said, "He's two and he dressed
himself today." He may have not been dressed the "right" way, but
we certainly left a mile of smiles behind us that day!

--Sue Guebert--

What a great attitude as a mother! Thanks for sharing, Sue!

To read more sweet accounts, take a peek into our new book:
"Celebrating Motherhood:"

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