Friday, April 24, 2009

Squeezing In Exercise

Exercise is something I am really passionate about. I have always made it a priority to exercise throughout my life. Since having kids, it is harder, but more important than ever. It hasn't always been easy and I've often had to change the type (or time) of my work-outs in order to fit whatever situation I am in. When I had one baby I bought a jogger stroller and brought her with me. When I had two, I bought a double jogger stroller and brought them both along on my runs. I would do my run and then jog to the park and let them play and then run home. When I had three kids (no, I didn't buy a triple jogger stroller -- but I thought about it) it was a little more difficult to get out. I couldn't take all three kids with me and so I either had to exercise when my hubby was home to watch the kids or do aerobics at home. Then I had a couple more kids and got a gym membership and worked out early in the morning before everyone else was awake. Later on (after another baby) I switched to a different gym that had a child care. I brought ALL of my kids to the kids center while I worked out. The kids loved the kids center and I got in a terrific workout. I took an intensive kick-boxing class which I loved. A year or so later, however, I got pregnant again and it was too much for me to keep up with and so I let the membership lapse. Now that the baby is here, I go walking or running in the mornings before my husband goes to work. I love it. I crave the quiet "me" time. The fresh cool morning air is so invigorating and always lifts my spirits. I enjoy taking in the beautiful scenery around me, and listening to the birds sing. It is very calming and it is during this time that I can actually think without any kids screaming in the background. I usually work out between 30 and 60 minutes, five days a week. My husband is one of those people that hates exercise and it worries me. Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems run in both our families. I have seen the miserable and dangerous affects that a lack of exercise can cause in one's life. I will do everything I can to prevent such health problems and hopefully he will come around too! Since he lives only a half mile from his job, I often walk him to work, so at least he is getting something! Exercise program or not, losing weight has not always been easy. Currently I have a seven month old baby (my seventh child) and have struggled with losing the pregnancy weight. Just within the past couple of weeks the scale has finally started to change for the better but I still have a ways to go. But I have many reasons for exercise besides just losing weight, however. Exercising makes me a better mom. I have more energy and feel better about myself when I exercise and that certainly spills over into my home life. I feel less stressed and better able to cope with the constant demands of parenthood. Another benefit is that I am setting a good example to my children. I want to instill within them a love of physical activity and teach them that our bodies are precious and we need to take care of them. I don't think we can let "lack of time" be an excuse. It is a matter of priorities. Even if my house is a disaster and I have half a dozen loads of laundry to be done, I still put my work-out first. There will always be housework -- it is never ending (especially in a family as large as ours is). But if my health fails then I won't be able to take care of my kids OR my house and so my health comes first (that includes getting enough sleep too)! It is never too late to start exercising. My sister always hated exercising. I don't know what changed but a couple years ago she started working out and now she loves it. She lost a lot of weight and looks fabulous! So my plug for today is start some sort of exercise and then build on it. You don't have to go out and start training for a Marathon. Take it one step at a time. I am trying to get back into running and it hasn't been easy. The first time (after having my baby) that I went running, I barely made it to the end of the street. I was sore for the rest of the day and the next. Then I went running again and went twice as far before I realized, "Hey, I just ran that whole way without passing out!" It has improved since then. I am certainly no where near where I was during my high school track days, but it is coming. Our bodies are forgiving thank goodness! So, join with me -- let's get moving!!


  1. Thanks for this post Wendy! As one of the three moms who started JuiceBoxJungle, I love it! Your post is currently up on our home page on the sidebar. Enjoy!

  2. Hi Wendy
    Yes, you are ABSOLUTELY right. Exercise is very important and it is equally important to teach our children to love and respect and take care of the bodies which God gave us - after all we only have one.
    You are also right - housework CAN wait. No-one is going to die if they don't have that shirt or pants ironed NOW.
    Just to add to your exercise regime, I find that vitamins and nutrition also play a key part in our lives, and we also need to teach our kids about these.
    If you would like to find out more about some SUPER nutritious products - for adults AND kids alike - you might want to visit my website: (No, it is NOT only about losing weight, it is also about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.) Check it out and let me know what you think at
    There are also AMAZING products to give you an energy boost, as well as those that boost your metabolism, so you have that extra energy at the end of the day to deal with your SEVEN!!!! kids and your husband.
    All the best.
    I LOVE your emails and newsletters.

    From one Wendy to another.
    Wendy Botha (South Africa)

  3. E-mail from reader:

    I really enjoy receiving your emails and the last one you sent regarding exercise really struck a chord with me. I find it very difficult to get motivated about exercising and I have trouble with my weight.

    I loved the way you described what keeps you motivated and I've made myself a mantra from your words to read to myself everyday and keep myself motivated to at least try some exercise. I've attached it in case you would like to share it with others.

    Thanks again - a very tired kiwi mum of three boys - Suzette.

  4. Excellent post - I couldn't agree more!
